General English & 5 hours Professional Development Course

This course is aimed at teachers who teach primary or secondary school and are interested in developing both their English skills and their professional teaching careers.

Course Objectives:

Work on all aspects of English with special focus on developing grammar and vocabulary as well as pronunciation and improving receptive and productive skills.
Classes will be dedicated to aspects of teaching such as ideas for classroom activities, use of technology and multi-media resources as providing teachers the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences in classroom.

When the course is completed, the participants will gained confidence in and improved their use of English with a better awareness of their own language strengths and areas for development and should be able to apply the results of their learning and reflection to their current professional lives

Selling points:

  • ACET is a teacher training centre approved by the Irish Department of Education and has over 47 years of experience in teacher training
  • Our team of dedicated teacher trainers focuses on practical ideas and techniques in the language classroom and participants are given the opportunity to thoroughly examine developments in language teaching
  • Participants are introduced to Irish Life and Culture through a series of lectures, visits and excursions

OID Number:  E10021333

PIC Number:  945143169

Standard English & 5 hours Professional Development in the afternoons & 2 cultural activities
Hours per week
25 hours & 2 cultural activities 
Minimum level of English: B2 (Upper-Intermediate)
Group size
8-10 (maximum 15)
Starting dates
March 20, July 3, 18 September october 23 december 4 , 2023
Course length
2 weeks / 1 week
€800 for 2 weeks 
                                                                  €450 for 1 week
                                                               + €60 course registration fee
                                                               + €50 course Materials